What does a Professional Toastmaster Do ?
Just what does a Toastmaster Do?
The majority of good venues will agree that to guarantee a fun and successful wedding it is really important to have someone at the event who will ensure that:
- The venue duty manager has a point of contact to direct Bridal Party and supplier activities
- Registrars are happy
- Everyone knows where they should be, when they should be there and what they need to do
- Everyone is in the right place at the right time
- The Wedding runs to time
- The photographer is supported when trying to ‘gather’ family, friends and guests for the group photographs
- Any surprises or unexpected occurrences are managed without a fuss
- Everyone, including those making any speeches, remain relaxed, ready and really enjoy themselves throughout the day
It is a real bonus if the Best Man, Maid of Honour, Ushers, Groomsmen, Bridesmaids or even the venue’s Duty Manager has time to:
- Liaise with the Registrar team
- ‘Round up’ guests for photographs
- Organise a receiving line
- Manage any unexpected surprises or make announcements
- Ensure everything runs to schedule
- Liaise with the venue and suppliers
- Introduce the speeches
A Toastmaster is trained to demonstrate a quiet confidence and to manage all these activities, and many more. Their mission is to ensure the Bridal Party, or event organiser and their guests have a memorable, enjoyable and stress-free day.
A Toastmaster’s services should not be seen as ‘another expense’. They should really be recognised as an investment that will ensure a Bride’s wedding or event organiser’s plans become a fun based reality.